To write about the anticipation of spring and the celebration of summer is easy- there is momentum and energy carrying the words forward.
The letting go in autumn is harder to summon words for.
In living in harmony with the seasons we are invited to embrace both the light and the dark, activity and dormancy, warmth and cold, outwardly expanding and turning inward.
Not to cling to one and reject another - but to be open to all manifestations of the seasons, with all of the moods that accompany them.
This is truly living, no?
Porch swings are taken down and gardens are cleaned out.
Laundry is hung inside now. Wood is stacked.
We begin to come in.
Projects forgotten since last winter are remembered.
A half-knitted scarf is picked up. An old book is rediscovered.
Wood stoves and candles are lit.
And now when the sun is shining and the wind is down,
a walk in the fallen leaves is exhilarating
- and coming in to a mug of warm tea feels just right.
a walk in the fallen leaves is exhilarating
- and coming in to a mug of warm tea feels just right.
~ j