The redwing blackbirds have been in the treetops for about a week now. I hear them: “Cup O’ TEA!, Cup O’ TEA!” - and it makes me smile outwardly. These seasonal gifts never cease to lift my spirits and bring a big smile to my face.
I talked to a very nice woman about Longwool Sheep. We will go and see her this week just to have a look, buy some roving, and talk.
Plans are also being discussed for a pole barn in the back. Although making any change to the landscape is a tough decision - we do need a sturdy barn for hay, supplies and animals!
It feels so good to be moving forward!
Windy last night! The whole house was shaking - woke up to snow, but no trees down.
March is such a strange month - winter or spring depending on the day, and you never know what you’re going to get!
Roosters are fighting and poor Papa has been beaten. He stayed away from the flock all day yesterday and slept on a pile of hay in the corner of the coop. It’s not looking good for him. He has been with us a long time, and has always been a loyal protector.
Moving into and through this month of self-doubt and gloominess. The only way out is through. Also remembering words of wisdom from “The Artist’s Way”:: “There are always moments of rest, or even moving backward, from forward progression toward a goal.” I feel the need to just let my intentions rest for the moment and stop striving.
A haze of worry rests over me - & I’m a little perplexed as to why it’s there? Fear for the state of the union? Fear for the planet and living things? Missing the mothering of my children? Dealing with the inevitable loss of a dear rooster?
Or maybe it’s just March.
Very cold. Papa Rooster left the coop yesterday on a frigid cold, blustery, and snowy day. We assume he’s gone, he never returned.
Joy and sadness do walk hand in hand on this farm. My heart thanks him and appreciates him. I don’t think roosters care too much about those things. But it feels right to pay my respects.
Papa is alive!
I heard his majestic crow coming from the back fields after feeding the other chickens. He is badly frostbitten and is missing an eye, but he heartily ate the food I put out for him and stayed out in the sun all day long.
At dusk, Tim lured him into a big cage and brought him back to the coop where he could rest under the heat lamp with food and water. I will make him molasses oatmeal today, and give him time to heal.
Snow has been falling again - keep moving forward, keep moving forward toward plans with heart engaged.
Grateful for my practice, the crows, the wind and the sun.
Nor-Easter bringing wind and temps in the 20’s. We hunkered down and I did some spinning and felting in the studio.
The full Sap Moon sets every year in front of the farm house. Every year I watch it as it disappears, pink and full, into the western horizon. This year was overcast, and I was unable to enjoy - but some years are like that.
Snow days - 2 in a row! Cozy - but at this time of year we are itching for a change.
Papa rooster has been in his cage since Friday night, when I found him half frozen and huddled by the barn. We will keep him in there until the cold passes.
Weather has not broken. Snow, cold and freezing rain. I am antsy to begin outdoor clean-up: pruning, cutting back grape vines and prickers, raking, picking up fallen branches, repairing toppled stones and bricks around the fire pit.
We lost some chickens the other night. Mama included. This is why we always buy a dozen or so pullets every year - because of the inevitable loss to predators. It’s part of the deal; and as hard as it is I’ve made peace with it.
We have some new babes coming up to take their places in the coop this spring!
Isn’t that the way? Life always follows death. Out of the darkness, only light can come.
~ j