The sun is rising and it is beautiful and green outside. I awoke to find blossoms open on the apple, plum and lilac.
First asparagus picked: 3 long, leggy green stalks. Simply steamed and lightly salted: a flavor that pulls me completely out of winter’s cold grey and into spring’s warm green.
I had a studio work day yesterday. Picked up 3 bags of fleece (Shetland) from a customer, and have begun to process it. I'm grateful to spend this day with all things fiber and garden.
While were away this weekend, a good friend picked up our honey bees who needed to be picked up before 8am : 2 nucs!
When we returned home, Tim moved them into the hives. We bless them and hope for the best. So good to see them out and about again doing their good work!
I love to be here, on this hill. My joy is here. Being in the fields with the silly little bobolinks - listening, observing. I ask for guidance and clarity.
Saying "no" to social media that pulls me way from here and now to that “other” place of likes and dislikes. Feeling annoyed at a day spent with such silly distraction.
Instead, a book in hand, a tall jar of ice water seasoned with mint from my garden, the smell of rain in my nose, and a cool breeze on my skin.
The geese are calling from their place in the field across the street. I love to hear them. My cat and dog are lying with me as I write. They follow me everywhere whether I’m gardening, hanging laundry, sitting on the porch, or reading in bed... they are such steady and cheerful companions!
Full and glorious day spent in the garden! Weeded around the asparagus and raked out my cut-flower plots. Planted 4 varieties of zinnias, 3 varieties of dahlias, lavender, yarrow, snapdragons, lupines and strawflowers. I also transplanted onion sets, broccoli and celery plants that we started inside.
Windy day - but sunny and warm. Enjoyed the company of my cat (aptly named “Flower”) and the remaining hen, who stayed just outside the fence while I pulled weeds: waiting to eat the worms.
I would look up to see Norah playing in the yard and climbing the tree by the chicken barn. At one point she was dressed in a black gown, followed by the 24 meat chickens - if only I had my camera at the ready! What a stunning photograph that would have been. :)
Isn’t it funny how a smell can evoke so many images and memories? All in a whiff.
Lilacs remind me of my Grandma Cudney. I miss both of my grandmas - but when lilacs appear I remember so specifically my Grandma Cudney. And then, I begin to remember so many other things that remind me of her: bread and butter pickles, roast beef dinners, easter chocolate, fancy brooches, knitting.
Memories flood me: the cabin and weekends there with Grandma and Grandpa C. A window with an old curtain and soft morning light. A certain smell of barn wood, fresh mowed grass, coffee and bacon. I can still summon up feelings of being there. Such strong heart connection to that place and time. Always safe, always loved.
Pay attention to the small moments that move you - they are snapshots of what your heart sings for.
Our garden is so happy and green with new sprouts. I’ve been enjoying my time there, weeding and planting. I am so happy to be back outside with the fragrant herbs and flowers. These things truly fill me.
Office day today - rightly so, because it’s cooler and rainy. Great news for the new seeds I just put in the garden.
Caleb and Cassidy just brought me a cup of coffee - it’s warmth all the more so because of the gift of it.
We will be getting our pigs today! And also a rooster to replace the ones taken earlier in spring to a weasel. 6 pullets almost grown and 6 more pullets coming up to join the remaining hen and the new rooster.
~ j