Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tending... it's a lovely way to spend a day really. 

  A rhythm rising out of the day that feels comfortable and authentic. 

We tend to each other, to the land around us, and the gardens we hope to grow. We tend to the small group of critters who share this space with us. 

Tending feels differently from "doing chores" or "taking care of responsibilities".  It is an action that is softer than that because it comes from the heart.  Woven into the act of tending is the energy of nurturing and cherishing.  Reverence.

I find that within this daily tending are gifts.

~ connection to the people, the animals and the land around me

~ connection to a rhythm to my days that bring me peace 

~ bearing witness to what is happening around me day to day, month to month, season to season 

To bear witness to these changes is humbling and joyful. Because next week it will all change again. And the week after that it will change again.

An unfolding.  Forever in flux.

And so I notice: the new blossom, the new leaf, the movement of the sun across the sky, the seed turning to plant, the little girl whose pigtails will surely be gone this time next week:

And of course I remember to take time every day to tend to myself.

A deep breath, a moment of beauty, a stretch in the sun at the end of the day:

What are you tending to today?

~ j