First work bonfire of the year! We cleaned up the fallen branches in the yard and burned them, along with old fencing, a once-used goat milking stand, and other debris that has been lying about. It was good to be out in the warm sunshine and smell the earthy woodsmoke. The warmth of the fire and the sound of birdsong was good medicine.
I tackled some more of the grapevines and multi flora rose that was strangling the pine trees and apple tree in the scrub area next to the fire pit. So satisfying to tend to the land in this way!
Low gumption day yesterday. It was chilly out, even though the sun was shining - so though I had outdoor chores on my" to do" list, I was drawn to the felting table and the spinning wheel with a mug of warm tea.
Peepers were singing last night! I opened my bedroom window to hear them, and fell asleep reading “Braiding Sweetgrass” listening to their song.
Our bees didn’t make it this year, an entire hive lost. So sad. A reflection of what is happening on our planet in one hive. What are we doing wrong? Tim will take a frame to local beekeepers to be inspected. He has ordered 2 new nucs, but is feeling discouraged.
Rain is falling steady and it is damp.
I may build a fire today, even though temps are supposed to be in the 40’s. No outside work today!
Warmer yesterday with temps in the high 60’s - peepers out in full song! Sleeping with windows open - the fresh breeze feels good after a winter of being indoors in dry heat. I always sleep so much better with the windows open. Today the wind will pick up again bringing more rain.
It is so cheerful to see all of the green and growing things around the house. Tall, thin onions, leafy broccoli, rosemary, celery and morning glories reaching up toward the light.
Cheerful sounds of bright baby chicks chirping wafting up from the workshop. The chicks are growing so fast and almost ready to join the others in the coop.
Snow is back for one day - we lost a hen and our rooster John Wayne the other night. A weasel got into the coop and took them away. We have 3 hens remaining. Sad days for us chicken keepers.
At a time of year when new life should be at the forefront, we find ourselves confronted with loss. We lost all of our bees a couple of weeks age, and now the hives are empty. The chickens have all been picked off one by one - we have 2 scared hens remaining. They are afraid to go back into the coop, and we can’t find where they are laying the eggs.
We have 4 pullets that are living in a crate in the workshop (along with 12 growing meat chickens) who need to be transferred down to the barn. We will wait to see if we can capture the predator before sending them down. My heart is heavy over this, and this season of hope and renewal seems rather bleak at the moment. But the only way out is through.
Beautiful weather this weekend - 70 degrees and sunny with peepers in full song. A full moon in the sky last night! I saw it setting from my bed out of the front window as I woke this morning. Peace and fullness for a moment.
As spring fully descends on this farm, my spirits lift along with the green shoots of plants and budding flowers on trees and bushes.
Spring work has begun! Blueberry bushes were planted, apple trees mulched, and garden prepared. Tim and I planted the tiny seeds of onions, kale, lettuces, spinach, sage, chamomile and the big chunky fava beans in the rich, composted soil. Pullets and meat chickens have been moved from the workshop to the coop, and are allowed outside in a penned area until further notice. We have one laying hen left after capturing the weasel that was picking off our flock. We have named her “Survivor” - but I call her “Mama” because she is now the matron.
Days are longer, and we are once again sitting on our front porch at the end of each day to enjoy the setting sun and the sounds of peepers and frogs.
Life is abundant and good.
~ j
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